Merrifield Preparatory School Code of Conduct

  1. At Merrifield we recognize our collective responsibility to our school. We will arrive on time, neatly and correctly dressed, ready to participate and learn.
  2. We shall participate and play an active role in the extra-mural programme.
  3. We shall behave in a polite and considerate manner that permits each one to learn and develop.
  4. We shall respect each person’s right to dignity. Negative remarks about anyone’s family, birthplace, race or religion will be considered inappropriate at Merrifield.
  5. We shall respect each other’s property. We consider the school buildings and grounds our collective property.
  6. We shall take pride in our work and be fair and honest. We shall not boast or ridicule others.
  7. Exceptional behaviour, diligence and achievements will be recognised appropriately.
  8. Pupils whose actions detract from the learning environment can expect to receive consequences.
  9. We shall accept our responsibility to encourage and correct each other sensitively and only when necessary.
  10. Bullying of any form is unacceptable.
  11. I accept and will adhere to the guidelines and principles contained in the schools’ technology policy.
  12. The school has the right to suspend a student from school for a given period of time. Following a serious infringement, a student may be required to leave the school for a specific period.
  13. The school has the right to expel a student from school. Following a very serious offence or repeated set of offences, a student may be required to leave the school immediately and permanently. The student may no longer attend lessons at the school.